
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Cute Girl with Chubby Cheeks: Day 3

  Welcome to the middle of our week !!

Let's recap on how our food diaries have come along thus far... I must admit that it has taken some work to write down everything I eat, and I have second guessed certain foods just because Im trying very hard to set a good example ! 

I also have a quick funny and enlightening story for this week. Yesterday, I was perusing through Barnes & Noble and, I'm assuming due to the traditional weight loss New Years resolutioners, they had displayed a very large table labeled "Nutrition". Now, initially I was intrigued, as most women are, but as I just glanced at the titles of the books I was very disappointed. To sum them all up, I could only find books on how to lose it quick. One book even promised to show you how to shed pounds in 8 minutes!! I say I was disappointed because these books on this table were not about nutrition, there is nothing nutritious about crash diets and ridiculous regamines! Speaking from experience, meaning, I've been "dieting" for over 10yrs & I am just now understanding the true meaning of the word "DIET".
Your diet is not just do this for 30 days, drink this for 8 days, or take This pill before every meal. It's an understanding that you want to feed your body the best that there is, and nothing less. It's the understanding that you deserve to be healthy & happy! My motives behind this food diary is to show you that even the busiest girls can still live happy, grub good, & look fabulous! 
Today, was not what we would call a perfectly planned day, which most aren't... I was at school from noon til 8 today and then joined Sebastian and his boss for a wonderful night out! So today's diary is going to be a perfect example of how to eat on the go when life changes things up a little for you. 

Day 3
Breakfast- 7:00
Sausage, kale, asparagus & egg white omelet 

Lunch- 12:30
Carl's Jr. Turkey Burger (protein style)
Wrapped in lettuce with ketchup & mustard 

Snack- 4:00
Atkins Peanut Butter protein bar 

Dinner- 8:30
At Saltgrass Steakhouse- Grilled Marinated Chicken with grilled shrimp, a sweet potatoe & mixed veggies
* be sure to order No butter, it is a Texas steakhouse and they will put butter on EVERYTHING*

Now I don't recommend eating out like this everyday, because nothing can replace home prepared meals, but things will always come up and you have to be prepared. 


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