
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

21 Day Make it or Break it Challenge

  Twenty-One Days to 
Build a Habit

Let's do this! Like most amazing women, I am on a never ending journey to make myself just a little more fabulous. Whether its changing up the hair, trying out the latest trends or following a different workout regamine, we're going to try anything that promises us a one way ticket to fabTOWN! 

As you all know, I have tried every diet plan, workout regamine, and supplement product that can possibly be offered, and I've had great success with many of them! The problem is not necessarily the plan or product; it's MY inability to stick with it! I have a bad habit of getting in good with a program for about 2 weeks max and then skip one day that turns into two and then into three, and before you know it I'm right back to my old habits. 

I'm pretty sure we're all guilty of this in one way or another. That is why I am challenging ALL of us to a 21 Day MAKE IT OR BREAK IT CHALLENGE! It can be any habit you want to make or break! Here's how to get started:

1. Write it down, clearly! Word for word write down the exact habit you want to build so there is no confusion or grey area for you to cheat yourself! Me: I will workout (some sort of physical activity) everyday and keep a 1200cal/day food diary via myFITpal.
2. Make a chart, checklist, or a calendar so that you can keep track of your progress & set reminders to keep you on track! Me: Since my goal is fitness related I made a calander for my pantry and I have a reminder every day on my phone! 
3. Be proud of your progress, but DO NOT "reward" yourself until you have completed ALL 21 days. Establish a reward for your victory for day 22, but keep it within reason! Me: I am trying to stay away from using food as a reward, so my reward will be a cute shirt from wherever I want, something fabulous that will show off my progress!
4. Once, we have completed the 21 days, it is important to maintain the progress. By the time the 21 days are over it will be a habit for you to do/not do whatever it is that you have been practicing. So just keep up the good work!  Me:As you can see with my calendar below, I am tracking myself (and the boyfriend) for 12wks or 4 sets of 21days! I want this more than anything, I've been trying to lose this last 30lbs for almost 2yrs now and Im ready to get rid of  it! Our goals Are written at the bottom and each day we can check off a star!

I will be tracking my progress for you all to see! I hope you are inspired and get started on you own 21 Day Challenge, today ! Over the next 21 days we will be challenging your will power and your ability to over come life's everyday road blocks, read this article to help prepare your "will-power" for your journey! 

Keep me updated on your progress and let me know what your goals are! It always helps to have a support system! I am more than happy to send our daily inspirational emails and I'd love to hear what great things you are accomplishing! 


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